13 January 2013

Football and me.

Oh yea me!, I'm a guy, and I love football (soccer for murrica). NOT.

Ask my friends they know.

I tried to like football when I was a kid, still nope. I remember that it has something to do with me being shitty at it. Heck, I don't even play the videogames too even though I''m a gamer myself.

During my primary school days, I would try to avoid interaction with anyone as much as possible, you could say that I was an introvert? . So any activities that involves team play and I'm out. no thanks.

So comes the high school years, not much improvements either. Although I gotta give credits to my friends that sorta encourage-cum-teasing me to play football. Nonetheless my poor skill and lack of devotion towards the game were major letdown.

Only a few times that I watch the football matches without getting bored, maybe they were fast paced? idk. Most of the time, a half time is all I can take.

BUT, I'm amazed by some people who are really informative about the football circle I mean like.. Daammnnn, when do you find the time for em?..

Don't get me wrong, I don't hate the game, I just don't care.


10 January 2013

[Insert non related title here]

So, it's mid January 2013. Been so long since i blogged something.

So getting up to speed, let me see.

  • Develop a love-hate relationship with you school, definitely checked
  • Have a special relationship with someone, che... hmm.
  • Finish highschool, checked
  • Get driving licence, in progress
  • Be happy, ..... trying
It's funny really, how people around (the internet) are warning us about growing up is a trap. It is a trap, kinda like going on a loop. Lets see, you study, graduate, then settle down while having tons of loans, debts, etc.. and now the aim of your life is to settle those debts. It's simple really, you're studying, just to pay the debts of your future self. and they call this the fucking norm. Sigh, I used to think the the natives/tribal people are crazy, but in fact it's the other way around.

I'm not entirely sure why I'm writing this, perhaps to blow some steam off?..

In another not-sure-if-related story. As some know by now I'm working at .. an emporium. One day, a customer approached me to buy a carton of pencils and soon i discover that he was a foreigner. I was deeply curious for the reason for him to buy those pencils. Then he tells me its for the children back at his home and he asks me if could find the cheapest of those boxes and so I did, but I wasn't helping at all those things are quite expensive.. He means well, wanting the kids back home to learn. The point is, it kinda reminds me of some things. One, We might or might not realize it that we are at some point are ungrateful bastards and how easy it is for some people who lives a modest life to be happy in the simplest things. He smiled at me, in some way that meant something. That day goes by swiftly. though I still hate my job, please be done faster.

Somehow the harry potter series are right, Life gets gloomier when you get older.

15 November 2011

Life Happens

Tahun form 4 saya ni penuh dengan pelbagai aktiviti, tetapi aktiviti yang saya nak lakukan tak dapat sigh :( macam bukan saya yang mengawal hidup saya ni.

Cuti tak rasa macam cuti, setiap hari bangun rasa macam nak habis cepat sahaja hari tu. School Life y u no faster end. ._.

Nasib baiklah ada pertandingan f1 in school ni, kalau nak tau apa tu pergi ah sini F1 in Schools Malaysia. Baru-baru ni dapat tempat ke-3 pada peringkat zone selatan. tanpa diduga pulak tu. terima kasih kepada Ahmad Faiez sebab dapatkan team Infinity F1 award best team identity. anda awesome, tapi taknak aku tunjuk depan kau. haha.
Yang menariknya dapat masuk wildcard untuk peringkat kebangsaan. IMAGINE THAT.
*TBH i dont feel like it anymore now. just, i dont know man.. i dont know.

Tapi slack kereta tak dapat fastest car sebab langgar regulation -.- tetapi tersemat di hati catatan masa 1.051 saat itu. kepada pasukan radiance dan swifter, saya rasa sangat dukacita kerana kalian tak pergi sekali. Siapa lagi nak buat kerja2 gila bersama nanti kan? haha.

Lesen kereta tahun depan dah boleh ambilkan? kalau betul yes!, bulan mac dah boleh :D. Kalau rezeki saya, mak saya pindah sekolah dan saya dapat bawak kereta dia ke sekolah. Itu Sangat Awesome. *Tak tahu malu aku ni bawak kereta mak. haha.

Plan dah ada untuk cuti hujung tahun, tapi ada konflik dengan perkara lain. tak mengapa, disember itu saya punya. :3

25 June 2011

My so called "Creative" blog


I appreciate it if you guys took the time to follow my other blog that is


I just posted a new video on the blog.. so hope you guys like it! :3

23 June 2011


Aduan kedudukan tempat duduk dalam kelas.

Assalamualaikum pembaca sekalian.

Kedudukan tempat duduk dalam kelas 4 Bijak telah dikuatkuasa pada 23/6/2011 pada pukul 9.30 pagi, Saya amat tidak gemar akan cadangan cikgu untuk menempatkan saya di kedudukan paling hadapan sekali kerana saya tidak dapat tidur dengan selesanya fokus pada guru ketika beliau sedang mengajar apabila berad di tempat yang sedemikian. Harap Cikgu dapat bertindak dengan sewajarnya untuk menukar kedudukan dalam kelas kepada yang lebih disenangi oleh diri saya dan kemungkinan rakan-rakan saya sekalian.

Terima Kasih

Yang Benar
Syazmeer Arrafi

Ahli Jawatan Kuasa ICT 4 Bijak

:D :D :D Ini sebagai bahan jenaka ya, harap maklum.